terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012

Madonna não vai à festa se a Lady Gaga for convidada.

The ongoing feud between Lady Gaga and the woman she impersonates--er--looks to for inspiration is heating up. Yes, Madonna the original individualistic, envelope-pushing, outré Material Girl has reportedly demanded that her pop star/provocateur carbon copy must be barred from any Oscar after party that Madonna attends. Oh well, you can't blame a woman for knowing what she wants--or doesn't want near her at a party.

Yes, Madonna reportedly issued an ultimatum almost a month before the 84th Academy Awards ceremony. Oscar after party planners must make a choice. They can either have Madonna at their party or they can have her cartoonish imitation, Lady Gaga. They cannot have both. Makes sense.

"It's unusual for Madonna to be so petty," reveals a source. "She doesn't usually act like this, even about bitter enemies such as Sean Penn and J-Lo. But she didn't want to be forced into a photo-op with GaGa."

And who can blame her? Madonna probably doesn't want to get close enough to the Lady to get stung by the live bees in her bonnet or to smell the meat in her dress which must get pretty putrid by the end of the evening. Of course, the always more polite Madonna put it more politely:

"I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a control freak, but I am a detail freak," she explained.

Actually, Madonna was referring to the control she exerted as a director on her new film, "W.E." But hey, if the shoe fits.

2 comentários:

  1. Podia ter traduzido né, preguiça total a minha de copiar e colar no google translator. Mas enfim, certa a Madonna né, pra quê ir numa festa onde a Lady Gaga vai tá tentando se aparecer e chamar a atenção como sempre?? Ela faz bem em não se rebaixar, kkkkkk.

  2. Eita...Madonna ta deixando transparecer demais a inveja que ela tem da Gaga, fica feio pra ela. Não sou fanatico em nenhuma das 2, mas tenho preferencia na gaga pq canta melhor e as acusticas dela no piano so são fodas.
